As the Governing Body of a Catholic school our overreaching responsibility lies in ensuring the promoting of a Catholic ethos at all times. In accordance with the Government’s requirement for all governing bodies, however, the 3 core strategic functions of the All Souls Governing Board are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
It is very important that governors actively support and strongly challenge the headteacher and have a thorough understanding of the vision and strategic development of the school.
The governors work very closely with the headteacher, who is also a member of the Governing Body, and have a termly monitoring schedule which involves visits to the school and scrutiny of the self-evaluation carried out by senior leaders. Governors are assigned to individual responsibilities, areas of the school curriculum and individual members of staff so that they can both support and challenge the school as well as ensuring the well-being of staff.
Current School Governors:
Shirley Langford – Chair & Foundation Governor, appointed by the Diocese (Safeguarding, including Online, Looked after children, ECT)
Richard Groves – Vice Chair & Foundation Governor, appointed by the Diocese (Health and Safety)
Fr Paul Burch – Foundation Governor, appointed by the Diocese (RSE)
Helena Tams – Foundation Governor, appointed by the Diocese
Claire Tennant – Foundation Governor, appointed by the Diocese
Imelda Gaffney – Foundation Governor, appointed by the Diocese (Attendance, SEND, Equality, Disability, Race and Gender)
Mary Lucas – Foundation Governor, appointed by the Diocese
Paula Towey – Parent Governor, elected by the parents (Link Governor)
Tim Smith – Parent Governor, elected by the parents
Andy Cooke – Headteacher Governor, ex officio (appointed through position)
Jo Hartwell – Staff Governor, elected by the staff
Governor Code of Conduct 2024-25
Constitution of Governance 2024-25
Governor Committees 2024-25
Governor Meetings Attendance Register 2023-24
Governor Declaration of Interests 2024-25
Governor Meetings Attendance Register 2022-23