Welcome everyone to the Year 5 webpage!


Here you will be able to access the Year 5 Blog where you can get all the latest news from Year 5, find out what we’ve been learning and keep up-to-date with homework, trips and events!

If you have any questions, they may be answered below. However, if you would like to talk about anything further, please feel free to contact me.

Warm regards,
Miss Prior

Questions and answers:

– Who works in Year 5?
• Miss Prior – Class Teacher
Likes: Music, art and food
Dislikes: People who have no manners
Favourite subject: Art

• Mrs Elkins – Teaching Assistant
Likes: Going to the cinema
Dislikes: Sprouts
Favourite subject: PE

• Miss Fox – Teaching Assistant
Likes: Holidays and going out for meals
Dislikes: Opera
Favourite subject: History

– What are the expectations of Year 5?
• We expect Year 5 to arrive on time with the correct equipment and attitude for learning.
• We expect Year 5’s work and behaviour to be of the highest standard.
• We expect every child to respect the Catholic ethos of the school.
• We expect every child to respect other children and all memebers of staff.
• We expect all children to have the correct school uniform, including the correct footwear.
• We expect Year 5 to wear their uniform properly and treat their uniform with respect. Uniform should be clearly labelled with your child’s name to avoid any items being lost.
• We expect all children should bring in a shirt, t-shirt or apron to wear for art work. The class will be producing lots of artwork this year and we do not want them to ruin their school uniforms.

– What theme will Year 5 be studying this term?

Spring 1: ‘World War Two’
This theme will run throughout most of our subjects within class. We shall be taking your child through many aspects of WW2; how and why WW2 began, significant people, preparations for war, jobs, rationing, The Blitz’, the affect the blitz had on Coventry and our parish church, and VE day. We will also tackle current issues that are inspired by this unit of work, such as wasting world resources and the benefits of recycling. This unit of work will teach and encourage a range of skills; from research and writing, through to design and drama. To support this learning, a day trip to the transport museum and Coventry Cathedral has been booked – more information will be given out separately. We will continue to build upon the children’s ICT skills throughout this themed work and introduce new knowledge and skills. All of our literacy units link with our themed work this term. During the first part of the term, our fiction writing and comprehension will be based around an author study. We shall be looking at the author Nina Bawden, focusing on the book ‘Carrie’s War’. We will then be moving onto our non-fiction unit ‘persuasive writing’.

Running along side this themed work will be our science unit ‘Gases Around Us’.

Spring 2: ‘Space’
This theme will run throughout most of our subjects within class and is supported by our learning within our science unit – ‘Earth, Sun and Moon’. We will be exploring the world that is Space; from looking at our own earth and moon, through to our galaxy and famous astrologers. Within Literacy, children will learn about the features and structure of science-fiction writing and will have the opportunity to write their very own stories in this style!

– What themes have Year 5 studied so far?
Autumn 1: The World We Live In
Autumn 2: ‘Chocolate’

– Which days do Year 5 have PE?
• In Spring 2, Year 5 will have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure all children have all of the correct PE kit with them on these days – indoor and outdoor kits.

– When do Year 5 have homework?
• Year 5 are given weekly homework on a Friday. This will consist of a Literacy and Numeracy activity. Sometimes, Literacy homework may be replaced with Science, RE or MFL depending on the activity. Homework is to be returned on the following Tuesday, unless otherwise stated.
• Over the holidays, your child will either be given a Literacy and Numeracy activity, or a short mini-project to complete.

– When do Year 5’s reading records have to be handed in to the teacher?
Every Monday, completed with what they have read each day and signed by an adult.

– What is Alton Castle?
• Alton Castle is a Catholic retreat. Every year, Year 5 attends this residential trip as part of their personal, emotional and spiritual growth. It is a valuable opportunity for your child to explore themselves, their own abilities and become just that little bit more independent. At Alton Castle, they will take part in various team and group activities, which may include indoor rock climbing, cycling, trekking or shelter building.

This year, the trip will be from 3rd – 5th March 2014.
To visit the Alton Castle website, click here