Subject Lead:  Mr Tom Rolison [email protected]   

The curriculum for Design Technology at All Souls builds upon the programme of study outlined in the National Curriculum for England which can be found here

What is our vision for Design Technology at All Souls?

Design Technology is the process of realising a problem, researching existing solutions and determining a solution to meet an intended audience’s needs. Once completed, testing, reflection and review helps to improve and refine a product until all needs are . For many children, Design Technology provides an opportunity for improving self-esteem and confidence. With a definitive start and finish, as well as a concrete object upon completion, children have an opportunity to see something through from start to finish. We want our children to be knowledgeable about the processes and methods for realising a product. We aim to develop our children’s skill set in different areas through effective modelling and exploration of different tools, materials and media. We give children the time and discussion to give attention to specific details, make effective and informed choices of their tools and materials for a product.

By creating a useful product for another, we undertake an act of service for others. It is also a valuable experience for many of our children to help find their vocation in life through a subject that offers a more practical, hands-on approach. Additionally, as there is no set outcome and children have the freedom to explore their own interests it presents those with barriers to learning opportunities for great success. Children with creative ideas have sufficient time, resources and support to explore those avenues of exploration so that no two end products will end up the same. Design Technology provides a unique opportunity for children to make practical use of the knowledge and skills they have gained through the mathematics, science, computing and art curriculum. Through Design Technology lessons, we encourage all our children to recycle, reduce and work sustainably to protect and care for the planet God has entrusted us In these lessons, children are creating as an act of service to another, giving gifts of time and creativity.

How do we achieve this vision?

Design Technology units of work are delivered in blocks of one to two days each half term. By grouping the time used for DT together, time and resources are effectively managed, the momentum of the plan, do, review cycle is maintained and children are able to carry an idea from initial concept to completed project.

Design Technology lessons are planned and led by class teachers with the support of staff with specific skills in the tools or techniques being used. They are also supported by additional adults with expertise as needed – this may include parents or other volunteers.

All design technology units follow a similar but progressive structure. Children first explore the existing products in a particular area. They will then be presented with a target audience and take some time to plan a solution to a need that the audience presents them with. Discussion with their audience is a beneficial way to give immediate feedback and allow children to adapt their plans as necessary.

Children are then given time to explore a range of materials to decide which is best suited for their purpose. Then, experts in specific tools give guidance and support on using tools at stations to give children a chance to use a wide range of tools in a safe environment. Outside venues and experts in their fields are used to support the curriculum by providing specific guidance and access to a wider range of materials and tools. Expanding links with industry, universities and secondary schools allows our children use of these sites, but also shows the pathways and progression of Design Technology throughout education and beyond.

Once a first product has been made, time should be given for testing, evaluation and further refinement with expectations increasing as children’s knowledge and skills develop. At KS1, children are supported in their discussion of what to do next but only move through one round of plan, do and review. In KS2, children are given the opportunity to refine their work with a number of prototypes before coming to a final product that can be presented to their initial audience.

Design Technology Curriculum Map

You can click here to download the PDF file.