Year 2 would like to thank the PTA for our new books. We took one of our new class readers to forest school to enjoy with a hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows.
Year 2 would like to thank the PTA for our new books. We took one of our new class readers to forest school to enjoy with a hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows.
Year 2 had a great time hunting for 2D and 3D shapes them making 2D shapes in nature. A great way to consolidate learning form the previous week.
In Geography, Year 3 have been looking at different climates around the world and different biomes. We spent our forest school session trying to work out, which trees are native to our biome.
Year 3 had hot chocolate in forest school as they listened to the ‘Impossible Boy’. The children decided ‘Sebastian Cole’ probably wished he went to All Souls’. What a lovely end to the day!
We have had great fun this week in Year 2,
We used natural resources to make water filters in Forest School. Well done to Martha and Edward for getting the cleanest water! Then we made another one to see if we could get it even clearer!
In Science we have been learning about how we can change materials by stretching and twisting.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Clarke
Year One loved getting back out into forest school this afternoon!
It was a very wet one this week in forest school!
We used our knotting skills (which we definitely need to practise!), sticks, rope and whatever we could forage from the forest floor to create mobiles!
Here are some of our creations:
Well done to Cayden and Jacob who were awarded as this week’s winners!
As we do like to get out into the forest school ‘come rain or shine’, it is really important that the children have their tracksuits, appropriate footwear (we really recommend wellies!), waterproof coats, hats and gloves with them.
As the old saying goes, ‘there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing!’
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