Hello and welcome to Year 5’s class page!

Here you can see what the children in Year 5 have in store as the year goes by, keep up-to-date with key dates for your diary and also access important documents such as class newsletters, curriculum overviews and year group expectations. Additionally, here is link to our class blog which will keep you up to date with what is happening in Year 5.

Year 5 Team: 


As the children make the move into upper Key Stage 2, there is an increase in expectations in Year 5. We encourage all children to take an active part in lessons, demonstrate pride in their work and carry out tasks to the best of their ability, working both collaboratively and independently. We ask children to be ready, respectful, and safe at all times, acting as responsible role models for each other and those children in younger years and creating a positive learning environment. Year 5 is an important year for them to develop in confidence, both in the curriculum and wider school life; we are confident that this class can rise to the challenges set out for them.

Autumn Term Curriculum Overview:


It is very important that your child’s attendance is as high as possible this term. There continues to be a strong correlation nationally between children’s attendance and progress. Particularly this term, recovering ground lost through days off school will prove very difficult as time is at such a premium.


In Year 5, children will receive homework every week and are expected to complete this on time and independently. Weekly homework will be set on a Monday, due in the following Monday and will consist of the following:

Reading: All children have recently been re-assessed according to the revised banding of the reading scheme and should have since brought home a book appropriate to their reading ability and comprehension level. There is an expectation for children to read at home for a minimum of 4 times per week and bring their reading record and book into school daily. Reading records should be signed by an adult and handed in on a Monday morning to be checked and signed by a school adult. If the reading record has not been handed in, not been signed by a parent/guardian or does not evidence that the child has read at least 4 times at home, they will be given a chance to rectify by the next day or lose 5 minutes of their break time. In Year 5, this is ultimately the child’s responsibility in Year 5 but we kindly ask that you support them in this.

SPaG.com/TTRS: Every child should now have received a reminder of their login details to both of these websites through which they can access any homework set via these platforms. If there are any issues around access to a device or the internet, please do let us know as soon as possible so that alternative arrangements can be made.

Spellings: Children will receive 5 words from the Year 5/6 statutory word list which they should practise each night alongside the spelling rule of the week from which they will be tested on 5 associated words.

As we look forward to an exciting year of learning together; we ask our class Saint to watch over us and guide us.

Our Class Saint: 

Saint Patrick - Wikipedia

Saint Patrick,

Pray for us.