Hello and welcome to Year 3’s webpage!

Here you can see what the children in Year 3 have in store as the year goes by, keep up-to-date with key dates for your diary and also access important documents such as class newsletters, curriculum overviews and year group expectations. Additionally, here is link to our class blog which will keep you up to date with what is happening in Year 3.

Year 3 Team: 



We have high expectations for all of the children in Year 3 and we wish for all children to be the very best they can be. We expect all children to respect the Catholic ethos of the school. We ask that children take every opportunity given to them to develop to reach their full potential and achieve their goals. Children need to come to school ready to learn, this includes having their uniforms labelled and wearing the correct footwear. Most of all, we expect children to be willing to learn and grow as individuals. All we ever ask in Year 3 is that everyone tries their best!

 Curriculum Overview:


It is very important that your child’s attendance is as high as possible this term. There continues to be a strong correlation nationally between children’s attendance and progress. Particularly this term, recovering ground lost through days off school will prove very difficult as time is at such a premium.



Ideally, children should be reading daily; however, we understand that this may not always be possible and therefore we set an expectation for children to read at home for a minimum of 4 times per week. Children should bring their reading record and book into school daily but are asked to ensure an adult at home has signed it before they hand it in on Monday morning when they will then be checked and signed by a school adult. If the reading record has not been handed in, not been signed by a parent/guardian or does not evidence that the child has read at least 4 times in a week at home, children will be given a chance to do so by the next day or attend reading club during their break time.

Every Friday, Year 3 will be tested on their spelling. This test will consist of 5 words from the Y3/4 statutory word list (set the Friday before) and 5 words that are chosen in relation to the spelling rule that we have been focusing on in lessons that week.

Times tables:

Please make sure your child is practising their times tables regularly; it is such an important part of their subject knowledge in maths. TT Rockstars homework is set every week. All children have login to TT Rockstars which is a fun and engaging way to consolidate and extend their timetable knowledge. Times tables will be tested weekly.


Children have been given a homework book to complete a piece of writing homework each week. This consists of writing 3- 5 sentences based around a task provided on a sticker inside the book. These books are due in on a Monday and will be sent out with
a new task on Wednesday each week.

Our Class Saint: 

Saint Carlos Acutis,

Pray for us.