We are officially working towards our Live Simply Award!
We are very proud to be working on this journey together and look forwards to joining with our parish community and all our families to achieve this award together.
Today marks the beginning of the most important few days in the Church’s calendar. Starting on Palm Sunday, we have been journeying through Holy Week whilst on our Easter break. We hope you have managed to take some time to enjoy time together, relax, rest as well as reflect on this special time of year.
During his Last Supper on the night before he died, Jesus gave us the gift of himself when he took bread and wine and said: This is my Body. This is my Blood. This is me. The Bread of Life. Food for the Journey.
As Catholics, we believe that part of Jesus is within each of us. We are his hands and his feet. With everything currently going on in our world today, remember that how we treat those closest to us is a reflection of how we expect to be treated. Take time today to think of those who give themselves to others so that they can live. To parents, to emergency workers, to aid workers, to those protecting the most vulnerable, thank you for all you do.
If you wish to attend mass today, the mass at All Souls Church begins at 7.30pm with solemn watching until midnight.
Year 3 and 5 walked to the War Memorial Park to do their BIG LENT WALK. All together we walked 496,000 steps or 221.02 miles. Well done Year 3 and 5!
Year 6 felt privileged and welcome to be invited to St Mary Magdalene’s Church (‘The Church with the blue roof’) to take part in the Stations of the Cross service on Wednesday. The children would like to thank Father Edward for leading them in such beautiful prayer and reflection.
This week we invited our adults into the classroom to participate in our Lenten workshop. We spent some time creating a ‘Prayer Through Colour’ where we reflected on words that come to mind when we think of Our Lord. We had many different ideas such as Saviour, Our Father, God, Most High, The Almighty and several more. We decorated our word of choice with illustrations and words to offer up our prayers and intentions for people and causes close to our hearts. The children were each invited to place their colour-prayers close to our prayer table as we listened to our readers recite the Liturgical readings of the day.
We then shared a video of the children talking about what Lent means to them in which they told us what they might consider giving up for Lent. They also had some great ideas as to what sacrifices their adults could also make during this time – with some wonderful (and at times amusing) ideas!
The final part of our workshop was to spend some time reflecting on the season of Lent as we crafted a stained glass crucifix or a colour-scratch crucifix, which we plan to take to church next week to be blessed by Father Paul. The children crafted some beautiful crucifixes and we look forward to offering them up to be blessed during the mass.
Thank you to all of the adults who joined us for the afternoon. We understand that it isn’t always easy to attend these events and appreciate that you have given up your time to spend the afternoon with the children. These events are always incredibly special to the school and to the children and we are thankful to be able to share them with you.
Today, Year 6 wore green for CAFOD to raise awareness for their great cause and started our whole class contributions to CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk!
The children have been really enthusiastic recently rehearsing Year 1 prayers and learning Year 2 prayers. Enjoying quiet reflection time alone or sharing with each other.
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