Year 1 had such a fantastic day on their trip to the National Space Centre with Year 5!
The children were very excited to travel on a double-decker coach to Leicester and enjoyed looking out for the brown tourist road signs on our journey. When we arrived it was time to visit the Planetarium. The children were in awe and loved the experience of feeling like we were really in space.
The children learnt lots of new facts about the planets, and the lives of astronauts and explored many new space craft. Mrs Hassan’s group loved driving the robotic Mars rover and Miss Dillon’s group was fantastic at exploring all of the interactive resources. Mrs Corkerry’s group enjoyed trying to beat her on the reaction test!
The children were so polite and their behaviour was exemplary on a busy day at the National Space Centre. We are so proud of every one of them and look forward to more trips exploring new places soon!