We loved telling Reception about our monsters that we have created. We read them our brilliant work and they listened very well. Thank you Reception for coming to see our amazing work.
We loved telling Reception about our monsters that we have created. We read them our brilliant work and they listened very well. Thank you Reception for coming to see our amazing work.
Year 2 went mini beast hunting in two different micro habitats. We found lots of interesting creatures.
All Souls’ Got Talent 2024… What a show!
We were blown away by every single talent show performance this morning! For the children to stand up and perform with such confidence in front of a big audience was amazing. The talent was so strong that we couldn’t decide on just one winner and so our congratulations go to Cara King (Year 2 – Irish Dancing) and Ellie Gray (Year 5 – singing).
Thank you to all of the finalists and their families for helping them to prepare for today. To all those who auditioned; do not underestimate just how incredible putting yourself forward is! You never fail to make us proud!
Thank you to Mrs Rae and the school council for organising such a wonderful event.
We had a great day at the Think tank. We got the train to Birmingham and walked to the Thinktank. Year 3 you behaved amazingly and should be very proud of yourselves. We learnt all about light in the light show and then got to explore the Museum. The science garden was definitely a highlight.
The Easter Bunny hopped by today to help Mrs Corkerry say a huge well done to the children for a wonderful term of learning and fun! The children enjoyed working with their friends to collect the chocolate eggs hidden around the playground.
Have a wonderful and restful break!
Year 3 had great fun at the Reading café. Happy World Book Day Everyone!
Thank you Mrs Cooke for teaching us. Can you tell what song we are playing?
Our recent Science learning is all about PLANTS.
The children in Year 2 have enjoyed exploring, comparing and investigating seeds and bulb. Learning about the conditions for growth and carrying out an investigation to test out their predictions!
Year 2 demonstrating super science knowledge and skills as well as team work!! Well done everyone
We loved wearing our Christmas jumpers and having a delicious Christmas dinner.
Thank you to all of our friends and family for joining in our Advent Faith workshop in Y6 today. Thank you to all the children who led us in prayer and reminded us of the true meaning of this season of Advent. We were blown away with the creativity shown in creating your own Advent wreaths!
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