Year 2 had a great time hunting for 2D and 3D shapes them making 2D shapes in nature. A great way to consolidate learning form the previous week.
Year 2 had a great time hunting for 2D and 3D shapes them making 2D shapes in nature. A great way to consolidate learning form the previous week.
This week was National Storytelling Week, an annual event organised by the National Literacy Trust.
This fantastic annual event is a joyful celebration of the power of sharing stories. Stories teach us about the world, they allow us to step into someone else’s shoes and feel empathy, they help us to relax and escape and they can help develop essential literacy skills.
To celebrate and acknowledge the week the children of All Souls’ embraced storytelling by visiting other year groups to share stories and read to each other.
Year 6 visited Reception to read to their Prayer Friends:
Year 5 shared stories with Year 1:
Year 4 spent time in Year 2 reading and telling stories to each other:
Year 2 were also very lucky to have Lilah and Macie from Year 6 visit them as VIP readers on Friday afternoon.
Everyone had such a lovely week telling stories and spending time with others from across school, we hope it has encouraged the children to share stories with those at home!
Year 2 had a lovely time completing their Art ‘Draw and Explore’ unit.
After learning about some real artists and their work, the children explored the school grounds to find their own inspiration. They looked for patterns, colours, shapes and lines. They took photos of what they found, then used the items they found in nature to create their own shapes and patterns and sketched these.
This week they explored using a variety of media and then created images of their chosen item of nature using the various media. This was lots of fun and quite exciting!
Wishing all of our children and families a very
‘Happy New Year!’
May our Lord fulfil all your new year wishes and keep you and your family healthy and happy.
All the staff of All Souls’ x
Wishing you all a blessed Christmas.
Thank you for all of our lovely cards, kind words and generous gifts.
All the staff of All Souls x
A huge congratulations to the ‘all star’ cast of the Twinkly Nativity who provided audiences with 2 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ performances of their nativity performances!
We are so proud of the children in Year 1 and 2 for their nativity performances, they were all shining stars! It was a pleasure to see the children’s confidence grow from first run through to the final performances. They worked hard to learn the Makaton signs to accompany the songs throughout the play. We spoke about those that use Makaton and how this benefits their lives.
Well done Year 1 and Year 2!
Year 1&2 had a wonderful time today exploring and experiencing the story of Christmas. They enjoyed dressing up and completing crafts to support in their experience.
All of the school staff were very proud of how the children behaved and contributed during the session and also received several compliments from the staff and visitors at the Cathedral.
They even had lots of the public stop to listen as they sand some of their Christmas Nativity songs.
Well done children!
As part of ‘Odd Socks Day 2023’ the Year 2 children attended a whole school assembly.
Back in class they enjoyed listening to the important messages of anti bullying, through listening to ‘Andy and the Odd Socks’ band singing ‘Make some Noise!’ joining in with the song/rap reinforcing the message.
They then discussed ‘kindness’ and what this looks like and feels like for them. Finally they designed their own odd socks and added a kindness related word!
The children walked beautifully ALL the way to the Skydome.
We stopped off for lunch just before the film. The children were very well behaved and were complemented by the Skydome staff on their tidying up after lunch and lining up in the corridors.
We all loved the film and all super stars during the film too!
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