We have now had a taster of what a full week in Year 6 looks like and to be honest, it isn’t that bad! We have learnt lots and had lots of fun too! 🙂
Roles and Responsibilities – from Head Boy and Head Girl, to Prefects and PAs, Chaplaincy Team and House Captains, and a whole lot more, we are ready and raring to give this final year at our school our all and step up the being the oldest in the school… we’ve been practically running the school this week whilst Mr Cooke has put his feet up and sipped tea all day (and coke!).
English – In our first writing unit, we have been learning what it takes to write a procedural text such as a recipe. So Mrs Hartwell let us loose with the most revolting ingredients to create our Revolting Recipes (some of which made her gag!). Come back to check out our final pieces for some appetising suggestions of what to eat and drink! Mrs McGrath has had her SPaG crown on, teaching us about syllables and expanded noun phrases too! We also learnt about arachnophobia in this week’s reading comp session.
Maths – We have been getting to grip with all things number and place value this week. Mrs Hartwell and Mrs McGrath have really put our brains, memories and work ethic to the test! On top of our daily lessons, we have been trying to get to grips with LBQ (Learning by Questions) and climb the leaderboard in TTRS for those all important certificates… well done Evie and Phoebe for being some of this week’s whole school well-deserved winners!
RE – The Story of the People of God unit has got us thinking more deeply about the Bible. Did you know the Bible is actually more like a library of books than one book? 73 to be precise (46 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament!). It tells us and reminds us about how much God loves us – our theme in this week’s class collective worship!
We also had our first whole school mass of the year where Veronica, Olivia, Daniel, Sophie, Jessica, Zachary, and us two (Grace and Ross) had the privilege of reading this week’s scripture and offering up our prayers of intercession.
Geography – Where does all our stuff come from? Good question…Most people think that is is mainly from China but in fact it comes from countries all around the world: Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Malaysia.
Science – We have been SOOO busy between Mrs Hartwell and Mrs McGrath’s hard and challenging lessons that we have had no time to have a proper Science lesson YET but we can’t wait for next week to find out more about our first Science topic.
Computing – Mr Youson taught us how to code by using different coding techniques. We are trying to hopefully create a full working game of ‘Pong’ (not ping pong – this is a game with a moving paddle and ball.) The aim of the game is to score points and NOT GO INTO THE – ZONE!
PE – Netball – In netball, Mrs Kerry showed us her moves as she taught us all of the proper throws; chest pass, bounce pass and shoulder pass which completes all of the passes that we can learn.
PE- Street Dance – Mrs Cooke attempted to teach us a little part of a new dance which was a little tricky in our opinion but maybe next week we will find it a little easier…
Music – Our focus this half term is ‘Listening’. We began the lesson with a show of hands of who have listened to live music – by the end of the lesson we could all put our hands up because Clara and Abbie kindly gave us a rendition (supported by me – Ross – the guitarist) of an original number! Mrs Cooke was telling us all about music through the ages. Did you know she is from a time when there was no digital music and instead they had a ‘ifi’ system in one room where you had to take it in turns to listen to your choice of music – by tape, radio or records or mini discs…. how ancient!
Picture News – We are really enjoying our weekly Picture News session every Friday where we spend some time exploring a current news story and discuss a related thought-provoking question… This week we learnt about Sunita and Barry who are two astronauts that went on a space mission for 8 days but now, thanks to encountering a problem on the way there, are stranded until February next year! Can you imagine? We discussed how life is full of unexpected events and how, often, things happen in life that are beyond our control. What is in our control is how we respond to them and we should try to always remain calm and positive during these difficult times.
Trips/Events – We were super excited to find out that we will be taking part in this year’s Into Film’s 10th festival, and attending one of their free screenings of IF on the 28th November (further details to follow!).
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BIG NEWS: Even more exciting than all of this… after days and days of nagging and questioning, today, we finally found out who are prayer friends in Reception are! We were given the chance to introduce ourselves and enjoy a little play time together. We can’t wait to get to know them even more and support their in their faith journey this year whilst also helping them to settle into life here at All Souls.
That’s all for now… Have a lovely weekend!
From Grace B, Ross and the Year 6 team 🙂
I really enjoyed writting this and i have had so much fun with my prayer friend.
I really like the Clara, Abbie and Ross’s performance with Manger Ellie ! Credits to Abbie singer, Clara singer, Ross Guitarist, Sophie dancer, Fintan dancer, Grace tech person, MJ tech person, Ellie manager, Anaiya assistant, Olivia vice manager, Millie bodyguard and Phoebe bus driver; it was very good I really enjoy it I hope the tour is good. I enjoyed the lessons and I also really enjoyed getting our prayer friends!