As part of the Into Film Festival, Year 6 will be visiting Odeon Coventry Cinema on Thursday, 28th November to watch the film IF.

This is a wonderful opportunity for the children, designed to enrich their learning experience through film. There is no cost for this trip.

We will be walking to and from the cinema, so please ensure your child is in full school uniform and dressed appropriately for the weather. They should bring their coats, along with hats, scarves, and gloves just in case of cold conditions.

Children may bring their water bottle and one treat (up to a share bag size) such as crisps, popcorn, sweets, or chocolate. Please remember that these should not contain nuts.

We will return to school for lunch, which will be at a later time of approximately 1:30 pm. To make this easier, we have asked that children who usually have a school dinner on this day pre-order a sandwich so that it is ready for their return.

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.


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